Keith Karchner Matt Maley

“succinct story-telling
“epically weird fairy-tales”
“part science fiction,
part psychological thriller”
“equal parts funny,
disturbing and beautiful”

Here's the gist...
“Nonsecal is a trippy anthology. Equal parts funny, disturbing, beautiful, and weird, Matt Maley’s intricate
artwork metamorphosizes to bring Keith Karchner’s fever- dream tales to life. . . a singularly unique vision.”
—Lia Brown, Executive Editor
“Artistic collaboration at its most in-synch and honest. Succinct storytelling alchemy that resonates with both
mind and viscera . . . a satisfying change of pace from the expected flavors on the menu of graphic fiction.”
—Steve Bunche, Veteran Comics Professional and All-around Entertainment Ronin
“The word ‘Nonsecal’ perfectly describes these epically weird fairy tales woven into a non-linear time travel
story that ends with humanity fighting to survive. Such a fun read. Very original.”
—Pat Giles, Cartoonist/Animator
“Beautifully written and illustrated. Keith Karchner and Matt Maley’s Nonsecal reads like the secret sections
of MAD magazine as curated by National Lampoon, featuring whimsical meditations on the perils of life.”
—Dean Haspiel, Creator of Billy Dogma and The Red Hook
“A quirky approach to offbeat and interesting characters. These stories inspired me to think and reflect—very
reminiscent of the work of the late, Great Harlan Ellison. Eccentricity gives way to insanity within the larger
issues of conformity and loneliness, in a whimsically illustrated world.
Part Science Fiction, part Psychological Thriller, Keith Karchner and Matt Maley pose interesting questions
as they explore the human condition.”
—Ed Murr, Illustrator and Professor

Brooklyn, 1993...
Keith and Matt were roommates on the top floor of a Brownstone on Union Street.
Keith was a Social Worker at a homeless shelter, writing short stories and sculpting
on his spare time. Matt was lettering, and art-correcting Disney comics in the Bullpen
at Marvel. When Keith wrote 'Bones for the Dog', the story got in Matt's head like a vision,
wrapped in a metaphor, narrated by Tom Waits.
The alchemy from that first collaboration expanded to become Nonsecal, an anthology
filled with protagonists dealing with their various issues. Keith & Matt constructed a book of beautifully tragic short stories that are hauntingly relatable.

Keith Karchner
is a Writer, Wire Sculptor, and off-beat drummer. He is obsessed with spirals, dogs, robots, and finding the perfect conspiracy theory.
Keith lives in the Hudson Valley of New York with a multitude of loved ones.

Matt Maley
is an Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Sculptor. His published titles include Little Donny Trump Needs A Nap, and F*ck Off!, a story about a teen confronting her fears, that he co-wrote with his daughter. His books can be found on Amazon and at local independent bookstores.
Matt also lives in the Hudson Valley with his lovely, supportive family.